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Currently, we do not collect any personal information from you at www.wikipet.net website. All information about cookie will ensure the optimization of the user experience. And it’s guaranteed by Google’s regulations (See here).
The website may use cookies and tracking technologies depending on the features offered.
Cookies and tracking technologies are useful for collecting information. Like browser type and operating system, track the number of visitors to the website. And understand how visitors use the site.
Cookies can also help customize the site for guests. Personal information cannot be collected through cookies and other tracking technology. However, if you have previously provided personally identifiable information.
Cookies may be tied to such information. Cookies and tracking information collected may be shared with third parties.
We also use remarketing codes that log in when visitors view specific pages, allowing us to deliver targeted ads in the future.
This policy applies throughout the duration of operation of this website.
If you have any questions, concerns. or any opinion about our privacy policy. Please contact us by Email: hi@wikipet.net
We reserve the right to make changes to this policy. All changes will be reflected on this website.