Bull Terrier

Bull Terrier was bred from two dog breeds named Terrier and Bulldog, so they inherit a lot of great advantages of these two breeds.

Bull Terrier

Bull Terriers were bred from two breeds called Terriers and Bulldogs. Therefore, they inherit many great advantages of these two breeds. Bull Terrier is smart, agile, mischievous and quite hyperactive.

1. About Bull Terrier

1.1 Origin

Bull Terriers are the result of crossbreeding work between two types of English Terriers and British Bulldogs in 1930. Therefore, they inherit all the dynamism, agility and cute beauty of both breeds.

After being crossed, the breed was named “Bully”. However, at that time, Bull Terriers were not widely available. They are often bred as herding dogs or housekeeping dogs.

Bull Terriers are famous for their “rare” intelligence and agility. However, they are also one of the breeds that possess aggressiveness, hyperactivity. And they can be dangerous for other pets.

1.2 General description

NameBull Terrier
Dog typeGuard Dogs, Rat Hounds
Dog coat styleshort
Coat colorWhite, Red and White, White and Black
AppearanceBull Terriers possess an outstanding physical strength with a plump, muscular body.
The most outstanding feature makes it easy to distinguish the Bull Terrier from other breeds. It’s in the “yes 1 no 2” face. From the top of the head down to the nose is flat. Her eyes were wide and her ears were always erect to listen to her surroundings.
Height & WeightAdult dogs: 53-56 cm tall. Weight from 20-27 kg
Mini Dog: 25-33 cm tall. Weighs between 11-15 kg
Lifespan12 – 14 years
BearThe breeding age of Bull Terriers is from 1 – 9 years old. On average, they give birth to 6-8 cubs at a time.

1.3 The nature of dogs

  • In the past, Bull Terrier was quite aggressive, so it was often raised to look after the house and herd cattle. However, today cow terriers have been bred to become friendly, attached to humans.
  • They use their agility and courage to protect their owners from the dangers that are always lurking around.
  • Bull Terriers are adaptable to a variety of habitats.
  • Bull Terrier, like many other breeds, likes to be cared for and pampered by the owner.
  • Bull Terriers love young children. However, they are uncomfortable with excessive playfulness and teasing. So you should not let children play for too long with this breed. Or teach the kids how not to disturb them.

2. How to care for a Bull Terrier

Take the time to “caresse” the smooth fur of the Bull Terrier. Because they would love for you to do it.

In addition, for mini Bull Terriers you should also brush them weekly.

You should not bathe them often, but only when necessary. For example: When the new Bull Terrier goes on a chase or digs the ground in the park… In addition, you need to pay attention to cleaning their ears because this is the part that contains the most bacteria and dirt.

3. How to Train a Bull Terrier

Bull Terrier if properly trained. Then they will become “brave warriors” next to you. However, if you don’t know how to coach. Maybe they will be destructive and get you in trouble.

The nature of the Bull Terrier is loyal. So they would love to see their owners happy. So, when you order them. Show them that you’re happy if they follow your lead.

In addition, you should regularly give them physical training in large spaces. For example, parks, gardens… Chasing exercises, running and jumping . Will help this breed develop strong muscles, strong body.

To train Bull Terriers into “brave warriors”. You need time and perseverance with them. Or you can send your dog to reputable, quality dog training camps for experts to teach them.

4. Diet

Just like other breeds. When raising a Bull Terrier you need to have rations through each period. To provide enough nutrients to help them develop comprehensively. The following are suggestions for the Bull Terrier diet by age:

Age rangeNutrition
2 – 3 monthsAt this stage you should not feed hard food. Or salty and greasy foods. Because at this time their stomachs are young. It is recommended to divide meals from 4 to 6 meals / day and the food is meat porridge, soft porridge.
3 – 6 monthsThis is an important stage when adequate nutrient supplementation is required. Essential dishes include: Meat, eggs, vegetables, duck eggs … And you should also feed 3 meals a day.
7 months or moreDuring this period, you should reduce your diet to 2 meals a day. But the amount of food needs to increase. And at the same time increase the practice of skills. You can also feed them bone feeders to help strengthen their jaw bones.

5. Q&A

Can a Bull Terrier be kept in a small house?

Bull Terriers are breeds that are adaptable to a variety of environments. From small apartments to large spaces in the garden. However, if your space is not open. Then you need to spend a lot of time taking them for walks and exercising regularly. To help them move to avoid being overweight as well as have good health.

Do Bull Terriers pose a danger to children?

Bull Terriers love young children. However, they are uncomfortable with excessive playfulness and teasing. So you should not let children play for too long with this breed. Or teach the kids how not to disturb them.

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