This article, introduces you to the Akita Inu breed originating from Japan. As well as learn about the characteristics, how to raise, care for and train Akita dogs at home. Everyone is welcome to read the article!
Table of Contents
1. About Akita Dogs
The origin Akita Inu
This dog breed originated from the Akita region located at the northernmost tip of Honsu island (Japan). According to the hypothesis of geneticists. The domestic dogs (Canis lupus) first arrived in the northernmost part of Honsu with nomadic tribes.
About 2,000 years ago. When these tribes settled in small coastal villages. This native dog is used to hunt bears, deer and wild boar or participate in fighting in dogfights.
According to records on ancient bibliographies, as well as oral folk tales. People call this hunting dog breed Akitas Matagi.
Since 1603, the Akita Matagis has been bred with some larger breeds such as the Mastiff or the native Tosa inu. The purpose is to enhance combat ability.
It is this cross-breeding though that has produced larger, stronger and more resilient dogs. But also exclude the original Spitz-type features of Akitas Matagi.
Identifying characteristics

Origin | Japan |
Name | Akita Inu |
The group | Working dog. According to the standards of the International Kennel Club (FCI): group V: Group of Spitz breeds. |
Weight | Male : 32-39 kg Females: 25-35 kg |
Height | Male : 67± 3 cm Female : 61± 3 cm |
Identifying characteristics | This is the largest species of the Japanese-style Spitz group. This breed has a strong, muscular and well-proportioned appearance. This breed’s body exhibits perfect adaptation to hunting work. The Akita Inu’s head is relatively large, but the overall look is still very proportionate to the face. The eyes are small, deep, dark brown. The ears are thick, triangular in shape, slightly rounded at the top, always facing forward. The muzzle looks very strong with a strong base. The end of the snout is slightly tapered but not much smaller than the base. The tip of the nose is black, in Akita white, the tip of the nose pale pink is also acceptable. The most special feature of this breed is the tail that is always curled on the back. The standard of appearance when choosing to buy a beautiful Akita dog, the first thing to mention is “bear face”, “rolled tail”. The standard coat of the Akita Inu can be one of three colors: white, red and brindle. In addition, seasame color (black dot on back) is also acceptable. The long-haired Akita, although very beautiful, is considered a standard error and is not recommended for breeding. |
Longevity | 10 – 12 years |
2. Taking care of Akita Inu
This is a beautiful, obedient and obedient dog. However, sometimes they appear to be a bit stubborn. They are very loyal and love their owners.
Is Akita dog fierce? This breed is extremely intelligent, courageous, not afraid to confront danger but very friendly with people. There are no records of Akita dogs biting people. However, they need to be raised and trained and socialized from a young age.
Akita Inu has an independent mind and is very territorial. Therefore, the owner needs to be very patient and spend a lot of time training. If they feel their master’s orders are inappropriate, they will rarely follow them.
They have a great voice. However, the special thing is that they are not a dog that likes to bark. They only bark when they feel really threatened.
Personality traits
Japanese Akita Inu dogs are loyal and protective of their loved ones. Alabai are aloof with strangers but can be affectionate when it comes to their family.
Along with that, the Akita Dog can easily adapt to weather conditions. They can work well in cold weather. However, if you prepare them a warm mattress, Alabai will be very happy.
They are generally considered a fairly quiet dog, but will sound an alarm when strangers approach. You can see them active outdoors, but indoors they are gentle and attentive.
Living and moving space
This dog breed can still live in an apartment or tube house in Vietnam. However, this requires letting them out for a walk. Exercise or do light exercise regularly.
They are best suited for homes with large gardens. Even in this condition. They also need regular exercise to stay fit. You need to prepare the necessary space before preparing to buy an Akita dog to raise in the family.
Cleaning & caring for the coat
This breed has a 2-layer thick coat. The outer layer is hard and relatively rough and impervious to water, and the inner coat is relatively soft. They really need regular grooming.
Akita Inu usually molts twice a year. During this time, their feathers shed a lot. When taking care of the coat, you need to use a specialized brush. Do not bathe often. Because of this, it will be easy for them to lose their outer coat.
Clean ears and trim nails. Bathe 2-3 times a month unless the dog plays and makes the coat too dirty.
Brush your Akita’s teeth at least two or three times a week to remove tartar build-up and bacteria hiding within it. Daily brushing is even better if you want to prevent gum disease and bad breath.
Basic training for Akita Inu dogs
Training Akita dogs to be friendly with family members, especially children, and to integrate with other pets (if any) is extremely necessary and should be done when the Dog is young and new to the environment. living.
You also need to let the Akita get acquainted with people around so that the dog can be bolder, more friendly, can take Akita to public places with a lot of people like the park so that they can interact with many people and friends. other dogs.
When Akita dogs have begun to integrate into the family, proceed to teach them basic commands such as: Stand, sit, lie down, call names, shake hands. Especially train them to be aware of where to go to the toilet and areas not to be approached.
Note: You need to spend 45-60 minutes a day to take the Akita dog outside to walk, jump and play games like throwing balls, picking objects, hide and seek with them. Akita dogs that are not exercised, releasing energy will easily change their temperament, become irritable, more aggressive and often bark, bite and destroy things more.
3. Notes on common health and diseases of Akita Inu
Overall, the Akita is a very healthy breed. Rarely encounter dangerous diseases. This breed often suffers from certain eye diseases (such as lacrimal gland inflammation). If you choose to buy Akita puppies from reputable sellers, this risk will be minimized.

They can also develop conditions such as hip dysplasia. To prevent this risk, you need to apply a nutritionally complete and balanced menu when raising the Akita breed.
Especially when the puppy is young. You need to limit them running too much, which can easily affect the dog’s joints later.
Puppies Akita Inu are required to be vaccinated against 7 diseases and rabies according to regulations. Especially Parvo & Care are two enteric diseases that cause high mortality in puppies under 1 year of age if they are not vaccinated with care.
Genetic diseases in Akita Inu dogs: the most common are hip dysplasia, PRA retinal atrophy, or hypothyroidism. Therefore, when buying an Akita dog, you need to find a reputable place with a clear origin of the dog to ensure that there are no genetic problems.
4. FAQ
Akita Inu dog food requires Protein from meat or fish or animal organs. At the same time, it is necessary to add vegetables and tubers to provide vitamins and fiber to help support digestion. In addition, it is recommended to feed the puppy 2-3 more eggs or scrambled eggs per week to supplement Protein and Calcium.
Akita Inu has a thick coat and sheds a lot, especially in the shedding season – about 2-3 times a year. To limit Akita dog hair loss is to brush the dog’s coat regularly. You should brush Akita’s coat at least twice a week and should equip a vacuum cleaner to keep the house clean.
You should not bathe your Akita dog too many times, only about 1-2 times a month is enough, bathing too often will make the natural oil layer on the skin lose and the hair easily dry and fall out more.
To prevent disease, it is necessary to keep the dog’s body clean, and regularly clean the dog’s living environment.